Review Jurnal PBK

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21 Responses

  1. Dimas bayu says:

    Nama : Dimas Bayu Satria Permadi
    NIM : 4611415023
    Jurnal :
    Computer Assisted Instruction For Teaching Learning Process And Its Effects On Students Performance In Tertiary Institutions

  2. Anita Ayu says:

    Nama : Anita Ayu
    NIM : 4611415012
    Judul : Research into the effect of an ICALL Program on Teaching Classes to Learning of English

  3. Yuni Saroh says:

    Nama : Yuni Saroh
    NIM : 4611415006
    Jurnal :
    Establishing Computer-Assisted Instruction to Teach Academics to Students with Autism as an Evidence-Based Practice

  4. Triyana Fadila says:

    Nama : Triyana Fadila
    NIM : 4611415007
    Jurnal : Effectiveness of Cognitive Skills-Based Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students With Disabilities : A Synthesis 🙂

  5. Muhammad Dliyauddin says:

    Nama : Muhammad Dliyauddin
    NIM : 4611415030
    Jurnal : The Effect of Computer-Assisted Learning Integrated with Metacognitive Prompts on Students’ Affective Skills

  6. Afifah Ratna Safitri says:

    Nama : Afifah Ratna Safitri
    NIM : 4611415003
    Jurnal : The effects of an online student question-generation strategy on elementary school student English learning

  7. Sultan Fachrizal Ahdy Andoyo says:

    Nama : Fachrizal Ahdy Andoyo
    NIM : 4611415040
    Jurnal : The Effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction Secondary Schools

  8. Erwin says:

    Nama : Erwin Prasetyo
    NIM : 4611415010
    Jurnal : Combining e-books with mind mapping in a reciprocal
    teaching strategy for a classical Chinese course

  9. Abdul Khamim says:

    Nama : Abdul Khamim
    Jurnal : The effectiveness of a computer-assisted math
    learning program

  10. Cita Prima H says:

    Nama : Cita Prima Hapsari
    NIM : 4611415033
    Jurnal : The Effects of Computer Assisted Instruction to Train People with Reading Disabilities Recognizing Chinese Characters

  11. Nanang Arif A says:

    Name : Nanang Arif Andriyani
    NIM : 4611415002
    Journal : “Developing Web-Based Assessment Strategies for Facilitating Junior High School Student to Perfom Self-Regulated Learning in an E-Learning Environment”

  12. Nova Cahyani says:

    Nama: Nova Cahyani
    NIM: 4611415004
    Jurnal: The Learning Effects Of Computer Simulations in Science Education

  13. Amanah Febrian says:

    Nama : Amanah Febrian Indriani
    Jurnal : Effects of a computer-assisted concept mapping learning strategy
    on EFL college students’ English reading comprehension

  14. khulaili miazawa says:

    Nama : Khulaili Miazawa
    NIM : 4611415019
    Jurnal : Scaffolding Project-Based Learning of Computer Programming in an Online Learning Environment
    DOI Bookmark:

  15. Nur Hikmah says:

    Nama : Nur Hikmah
    NIM : 4611415017
    Judul Jurnal : Computer-Assisted Face Processing Instruction Improves Emotion Recognition, Mentalizing, and Social Skills in Students with ASD.

  16. Uwis Alqorona says:

    Nama : Uwis Alqorona
    Judul : Effects of feedback in a computer-based assessment for learning

    Judul: Triggering situational interest by decorative illustrations both fosters and hinders learning in computer-based learning environments

  18. Ilham Alfin Musyafa says:

    Nama : Ilham Alfin Musyafa
    Judul : Development of an Online Smartphone-Based eLearning Nutrition Education Program for Low-Income Individuals

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